Dear Family,
This was a crazy week. We had a lot of service projects with the people in our branch. This week we helped fix a car with a mechanic in our ward (he´s less active) and he went to church this week with his family. He´s also preparing to receive the Melchizedek priesthood next month!!!!! It was pretty fun helping him too. On Saturday we went to one of our member´s garden. We helped her pull tons of weeds :) I can´t believe how many there were. Another member that was there was surprised that I could just keep going and going with the tool I was using (it was like a hoe but it was bigger and it´s used like a pick axe). For him the hoe/pick axe is half his size, but for me it´s just another tool :) It was pretty funny :) The member that we helped are less-actives as well and they also went to church this week :)
A very small lady. She´s the mechanic´s aunt or something :)
Us pulling weeds
Saturday was a really special day. In the zone we had 9 baptisms and we had them all in the same building. My companion and I know basically all of them because we interviewed 8 of the 9. One of them asked me to baptize them too! We actually had to convince one family (of 5) to come. The morning of the baptism the parents had gotten into a fight (only the mom got baptized, the missionaries never taught the dad) and it effected the whole family. The mom yelled at one of her daughters and all of the kids that got baptized got mad. When we arrived at their house to pick them up they didn´t come out, only the mom and one of the kids. We went in and talked to all of them and we finally were able to help them. We talked about how the convenant is with God and not with anyone else. They came and it was an amazing baptismal service. There were like 30-40 members present from the 2 branches. There were so many people in white!!!!! It was an amazing night :)
Pictures of the baptisms Fam. Herrera Orozco and Fam. Tenelema and Karen Jimenez
Today we had a fun activity :) We went to Ecuador´s highest volcano, Chimborazo. We went up to the 2nd refuge which is at 5000 meters or 16,400 feet!!! There was still a lot more to climb but we didn´t have time nor the energy to do it :) According to a sign there, the top of Chimborazo is the highest distance from the center of the earth. I´m not sure if that´s true but that is a cool fact :)
Well family, I love you all so much. Thank you for your support and thank you for your words of comfort and strength. It helps me so much to keep working and serving the Lord. Keep strong to the Gospel and remember our Savior this Easter season. To receive the blessings of the Atonement we have to follow Christ in all things :)
Élder Hakes