With President and Sister Sloan
Dear Family,
Wow what a crazy week. There were some emergency transfers in the mission. I´m still here with Élder Purnell in Conocoto but we have another elder with us too. We´re in a trio. Élder Purnell, Élder Miranda, and me. I also got called to be a district leader. I´m a little nervous but I´m alright, I´ve got a cell phone now ha ha.
Well we´ve had a lot of fun experiences this week. One was that the electric shower head broke when I was showering. It scared me half to death. I turned around and the wire was on fire. I blew it out and no harm done but it was crazy. We had cold showers for a couple of days but we got it fixed now.
We also had some cool Spiritual Experiences. We have a family of 4 that were teaching and they are way receptive to everything. We talked about baptism date with them. They didn´t accept the date but the said they will definitely read and pray more to know and that´s exactly what we want them to do. It was way sweet. We also had a really cool contact the other day that really shows the power of the Book of Mormon. We were talking to him about the restoration or something and he wasn´t really interested and he wouldn´t give his address. After that we kept talking and I started to share about the Book of Mormon. After that he was really interested and he gave us his address and he´s a sweet reference for another sector. I´m excited to hear about Nate´s call. That´s way exciting. Well I love you all.
Élder Hakes
P.S. This week Elder Calderon and area 70 is going to be with us on wednesday night. He´s going to teach with us and everything. It will be pretty crazy but I´m excited. Also another funny scripture in 3 Nephi 7:8.
At the Equator
The belt with added holes =)