Dear Family,
Well first off, there is a new e-mail for the missionaries now. It´s supposed to be better and faster so my new e-mail is It´s not too much different but it had to be changed. This week was pretty amazing. First off we had a baptism. There was an investigator that had been investigating for about 6 months now. We talked with him for 2 weeks and now he´s baptized. He told our district leader in the interview that the other issionaries before us just wanted to be friends and that we actually wanted to help him learn and understand. That´s why he got baptized. I felt really good hearing that because I knew we were friends too.
It was a crazy day the day he got baptized. I don´t know if I´ve ever seen that much rain in my life. I got soaked through my big jacket. We were outside for about and hour because no one would let us in or talk with us. We eventually went to a part-member family's house and taught them and waited out the worst of the storm. It was nuts.
This week was way sweet with the members too. We´ve started passing around a little calender that says when can you help the missionaries and we have almost every hour filled out except Saturday. It´s a lot easier with the members too because there are a lot of returned missionaries in our ward. We can also do splits when we have 2 members with us. It´s been way sweet and we´re getting a lot of things done too.
Today was a sweet day too. We went to the Equator as a district!!!! It´s called La Mitad del Mundo in Spanish. It was a sweet experience. You can balance an egg on a nail and you weigh less and all of that fun stuff. I got some sweet picture of the monument here too. I decided I better celebrate Brent´s and Cody´s birthdays in style here in Ecuador. I´ll send some sweet pictures next week.
Well the work is tough here, but I love it. I´m really losing myself in the work and in Spanish. I don´t understand half of the phrases that my companion says in English anymore. I also can be reading in English and talking in Spanish, I can´t tell if the music on the bus is in English or Spanish sometimes. It´s so sweet!!! Well I love you all. Good luck with all that you do. Remember to say your prayers and read the scriptures everyday.
Élder Hakes
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