Dear Family,
Wow! What a crazy week. Well as I wrote last week I´m with a new companion now. This week was pretty good. I feel like we could have done more and this week will be a wake up call to him. We had 2 baptisms last weekend. A couple got baptized. It was a really sweet experience. They changed so much just this week so they could be prepared for baptism. They will be an amazing eternal family when they go to the temple. They´re so excited to change their lives now. I love helping people to do that. I do have some bad news too. THis week we laost the family Villamar, the family of 8. Everything was going good and they were preparing for baptism. We had the interviews on thursday and it was a disaster. All of the kids younger than 18 said that they wanted to wait until they turned 18 so they could make a good decision. The oldest, 19 year old, was completly shut and prideful. She didn´t confess her sins. She said that she didn´t want to be baptized and a lot of other things. We talked to them afterwards and told them that they can´t reject the answer that they have received. THey know that the church is true and they are just rejectng it because of their pride. We read some scriptures about how if they have an answer and they reject it it will be bad with them in the last day, but they didn´t care at all. It was really sad to see them like that. They were progressing so well and I felt like everything was going so well. I guess it wasn´t there time. We´ll visit them like 1 or 2 more times to see if they´ll change, but if not we´re going to have to leave them for now.´
Today we went bowling and played pool again at the same place. I ate McDonalds and Taco Bell today. It was pretty amazing. Well I hope you all know that I love this work. I know that there are a lot of ups and downs and that this work is very difficult, but....I LOVE IT!!!!!! It´s so weird to think that I´m going to be 20 years old in a few weeks. It´s kind of funny, I think I´m starting to lose my vision a little bit. I told my companion that my eyes only have a 20 year gaurantee he he he :) :) Well I love you all so much. I´m really excited for our zone and our companionship. We´re going to have a lot of baptisms and that´s always good.
Élder Hakes
I love how McD's and Taco Bell got an "amazing". If only he had Sonic. :) What a guy! Love that kid!