Dear Family,
Well, this is the last time that I´ll be writing as a full-time missionary. I can´t believe it. It still hasn´t hit me yet :) This week went by really fast. The highlight of the week was that Marco Torres got baptized. It was a really awesome baptism and it was a special day for everyone. His uncle, Javier Palacios, has been working hard to get him to church and to get baptized and all of his hard work payed off :) Marco was so happy too. He even came to church in a white shirt and tie. We didn´t even tell him :) He is really pumped right now to keep progressing :) I´m so excited for him!!!!
On Saturday we had a really interesting lunch right before the baptism. I asked them to do it because, first off I´m kind of crazy and second of I had always heard of it and I wanted to see what it was. It´s called yagua locro. It´s basically a soup with sheep intestines, potatoes and stuff and you put sheep blood in it too :) The blood isn´t liquid it´s solid and it looks kind of like ground beef. It actually wasn´t that bad. I ate just the blood and it didn´t have too much flavor. You eat the soup with lime and avacado too. I ate 2 bowls and it was pretty good. My companion can´t really deal with stuff like that. He really syked himself out. He started off fine eating the soup. He was only eating the potatoes and nothing else until another Elder that was with us told him to look at his spoon. The other Elder told him that they were delicious intestines and blood. My companion imagined, only in his mind, that there were drops of blood falling from his spoon. My companion got up and went straight to the bathroom and started to throw up. We all started laughing because the rest of us really liked it. Luckly the family didn´t get offended or anything. They are a really cool family.
The Soup
The Blood
My comp after he threw up
Well, the next time I see you it will be in person. Thank you for your love and for your letters. I can´t believe that 2 years have gone by so fast. Thank you for everything.
Élder Hakes
Paco Asqui.... He´s a member that gives us lunch on Sunday´s