Me knocking on a door :)
A service project with the Palacios family
The baptism (Mari and Cristian)
Dear Family,
This week was kind of crazy. On Saturday Mari Paredes and Cristian got baptized!!!!! It was a sweet baptismal service. Mari actually invited a friend to the baptism and he has a baptismal date for the 16th!!!! His name is José Luis. He felt the Spirit so strongly and he is so receptive to everything. Mari (grandma who´s 42 yrs. old) and Cristian (grandson who´s 8 yrs. old) are so happy now. She told me how she was so happy to have the Holy Ghost and that she can go to the temple to do baptisms for the dead on July 22. We´re so excited for the progress that they have had up till now and that they will continue having!!
This week we got permission to have a special presentation in a park in Riobamba. We´re going to have a big screen, a projector, free popcorn and a giant Book of Mormon!!! It will be a really fun presentation. The members are really helping us out now too!! We´ve already passed out like 1,000 invitations too.
This week Carlos Quigla is going to get baptized!!!! He´s doing really well too!!!! He came to church with his dad this week. Victor (the dad) is progressing a lot too! The mom is being the problem now. The rest of the family only likes that we visit them, they´re not really keeping the commitments so they´re not progressing. We´re still trying to help them out. Going to church seems to be the diggest challenge for them right now.
This week was a little tough too. In Guaranda (part of our zone) we were going to have 13 baptisms but they only had 1. It was really hard to see that. A lot of investigators didn´t pass their interview and there were a lot of challenges. In Riobamba as a district we were going to have 3 but 1 fell through too. Our baptisms almost fell through too but we were able to help them ovecome their challenges before their baptism. Cristian was really sick and pale but he got better right before the baptism. I think that the Lord is trying our faith and our humility a little bit. We are about to explode as a zone right now. We were looking at the potential of the zone in our leader´s meeting and we could have up to 56 baptisms in 3 weeks if we help the people that we already have to get baptized. That´s not including new families that we can find!!!!! We have lots of work to do so we can help these people to progress and get baptized.
I´m so grateful for missionary work. I have changed so much during this time. I recognize my faults and errors easier now and I´ve been able to change a lot of them. I still have a ways to go though :) I love my Savior. Because of Him I can have peace in my life. I can change and repent. I can have the Gift of the Holy Ghost, which is the constant companionship of a member of the Godhead. Sometimes we don´t realize how blessed we are. Sometimes we want to see angels of maybe even Christ Himself but we forget that we already have the Holy Ghost. We are so blessed. We must all be worthy for the companionship of the Holy Ghost. It´s the guide that everyone in this world is looking for. We must take advantage of this gift that our Heavenly Father has given us. I love you all so much. Thank you for you love and support. I´m sad that my mission will end soon but I´m glad that I´ll be able to see you all soon. I have so much to do in so little time. Thank you for everything :)
Élder Hakes
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