Baptism with those in white
Baptism with the whole family
The cake with the Quigla family
B-day with the Quigla family
Dear Family,
This week was so awesome!!!!!! We had 4 baptisms on Saturday!!!! Part of the family Quigla got baptized and the service was amazing!!! There were about 50-60 people there for the family. It was a really spiritual experience. We didn´t have to worry about anything. Our branch mission leader filled up the font and had the agenda ready, we just had to bring the clothes. It was so amazing. The Spirit was so strong and the rest of the Quigla family was there to feel it. It really motivated them to be baptized. The rest of the family is preparing for July 9th.
This week Mari Paredes and her grandson are getting baptized this Saturday. Carlos Quigla is going to get baptized with them too!!! They have progressed so much and it has been so amazing to teach them.
I turned 21 on Thursday!!! I can´t believe it. I feel old now ha ha ha :) The members were really nice to me. I ate and had cake with 3 member families and the family Quigla had a cake for me too. It really touched me when the Quigla family had the cake and dinner for me. They don´t have hardly anything but they were willing to sacrifice for me. It was a touching moment for me. I hope that they keep progressing and that they can all be baptized.
My birthday cake with the other Palacios family (Javier and Mayra)
Us eating pizza with the branch president
Me and Diego Yumisaca (branch mission leader) having our birthday cake at the branch president´s house (Pres. Erick and Norma Suarez)
Presents that the Palacios family (our landlords) got me (a tie and chile from Mexico)
Another b-day cake
Thank you for all that you´ve done for me. I love you all so much. Stay strong doing the little things. Read the scriptures with real intent everyday and say your prayers morning and night and in your hearts during the whole day. Remember the Lord and He will remember you. I love you all so much. Thank you for all those who wrote me for my birthday!!!!
Élder Hakes
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