The other half of the Quigla family
Victor Quigla preparing for the 3 legged race with Rosa his daughter-in-law (Segundo´s wife)
Segundo Quigla (in orange) in the sack race
Victor Quigla (Jr.) with his wife Angela dancing and balancing a tomato
Me with a member who sang at the activity and the Relief Society President
José Luis Quigla and his sister-in-law Rosa (Segundo´s wife) dancing and balancing a tomato
Dear Family,
This week was so crazy!!!! It went by so fast to. On Tuesday we had the last training with President and Sister Sloan. That was really weird. I can´t believe that they are leaving. Where has the time gone. It was kind of sad at the training because they have changed the lives of so many of us. They surprised us and President hugged all the Hermanas and Hermana Sloan hugged all the Elders. That was kind of weird. They end their mission on June 30. President Ghent will be here on the 30th too. It´ll be interesting being with another President for a month and a half, but I´m excited to get to know him. Supossedly he´s taller than I am. We´ll see :)
This week I basically went from sector to sector here in the zone. I was helping other missionaries the whole week. On Wednesday I was in Los Alamos with Elder Barrera, Thursday in La Joya with Elder Stange, Friday in Guaranda (2 hrs. from Riobamba) with Elder Cruz, and Saturday in La Joya with Elder Montalvo. It was a crazy week but I learned a lot and I felt that I was helping the zone out. We got a lot done and we´re seeing a lot of progress now in the zone.
My companion did amazing in our sector this week too. We found another 4 new families and 3 of them have baptismal dates and went to church this week!!!!!!! We had 15 people at church this week and we´re going to have 4 baptisms this weekend!!!! Finally!! :) Next week, July 2, we have planned 10 baptisms and they have all gone to church and are really excited!!!!! I am so amazed at all the blessings that our Heavenly Father is giving to us now. In the zone (6 companionships) we have 22 people planned to be baptized on July 2. It is almost unbelievable for me but I know that we can do it now. We just have to follow-up well with them.
Well, I got some crazy news this week. They changed my release date. I´ll be coming home August 12th instead of the 19th. Now I´ll have at least a week before I have to take off to school again :) I have a lot to do before I go home too. I have a lot more to learn and to teach before my time will end. I am so grateful for this great work. My time as a missionary has been and is the best time of my life up till now. I have learned so much and I have received so much. If we don´t want to share the Gospel with others we don´t understand the Atonement personally in our lives. Of course we will all have a little bit of fear at first but when we share we are blessed and we feel more love for our Savior and Redeemer. Share the Gospel with everyone!!!! We all need it so much and it is just selfish to keep it to ourselves. I love you all so much. Thank you so much for all that you have done for me in my life. I have learned so much and I am who I am because of each of you. Read the Book of Mormon everyday and pray with all your heart at all times. Partake of the Sacrament with real intent and remember the covenants that we make at baptism. I love you all!!!!!!!!!!
Élder Hakes
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