Me droping a tomatoe in a game we had in the branch family night against Pres. Luna (1st counselor in the District Presidency)
My companion and I making burritos in an Elder´s quorum activity
Us studying with other missionaries
A light pole in the middle of the street
Investigators that moved to Guayaquil
Dear Family,
This week was amazing!!!!!! The Lord has blessed us so much. I have seen more miracles this week than in my whole time here in Riobamba. We started working really hard and we are already seeing the blessings. This week we found 4 new families. They are all so amazing. On Tuesday we found a family of 10, the parents and 8 kids (they have another kid but he lives in another city). Their name is the Quigla family and 7 of the 10 are in baptismal age. They live a little bit outside of the city but it´s not too far away. They are very humble. All of them live in 2 bedrooms and a kitchen. They have been so kind to us because they feel blessed to have people there at their house sharing the gospel with them. The thing is that we feel so blessed to be able to know and to share with them too. We have a lot of love for each other. They have been making sacrifices to be able to live the Gospel. This week they couldn´t all go to church because they had to work and some other things that they had already planned before they met us, but they have already told their boss that they won´t be working next Sunday so they can all go to church. They are such an amazing family!!!
On Wednesday we contacted a reference that other Elders gave us. We went and his whole family was there. There are 5 people in the family, mom, dad, and 3 girls (2 of the girls are in baptismal age). Their name is the Parra Rodríguez family. This week they couldn´t go to church either because they had already planned to visit their family, but they already have made plans to go to church next week. They are such a great family.
On Wednesday we also got to know the wife and 2 kids of the second oldest son in the family Quigla. His wife is amazing. On Thursday, Saturday and Sunday she went with all the little kids to the Branch Family Night, the Primary activity, and Sacrament meeting. She is really excited and her husband is progressing too!!! I love this family!!!!!!!!!!!
On Sunday morning before we went to church, we contacted a reference from other missionaries. It was a family of 5, the Pilco Pintag family. The dad had an accident about a year ago. He fell of a cliff that was about 4 stories tall. The doctors don´t understand how he lived. He is in a wheelchair now because he´s paralyzed from the waist down. On Sunday he had enough faith to get out of bed and let us help him get into his wheelchair and go to church with his 2 sons (9 and 11 yrs. old). He went for 2 hours of church and he told us that a lot of his pain went away and that he felt a lot of peace that he hasn´t felt in a long time. He has plates and screws in his back so he had to go home after the 2nd hour to rest but he really enjoyed it. His sons did too. His daughter and wife went to their land that they have outside of the city and couldn´t go this week but she was surprised with her husband so she´s going to go next week with the whole family!!!!
We are seeing so many blessings here in Riobamba now. The missionaries are more excited now and we are working harder than ever. It is such a blessing to be a servant of the Lord. He blesses us so much. I am grateful for the power of the Atonement in my life. I need it everyday. I love this work. I love being a missionary. I have such little time left to do so much. I need to keep working like I did this week. I love you all so much!!!!!
Élder Hakes
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