Well this week was crazy. So, we didn´t haveany baptisms planned for this Saturday, but the craziest thing happened. On Thursday night we were teaching a part-member family. Only one brother and the mom aren´t baptized, there isn´t a dad in the home. The lesson went good because we got there right as she was having a hard time and we really helped her out. Miller, the brother, listened to and it was good. So we were leaving and Miller was walking us to the gate when he, really casually, said he wanted to be baptized on Saturday. He has been going to church and seminary so we said we´d ask and find out for him. The next day, Friday, he had his baptisimal interview and he asked me to baptize him. We had the service on Saturday and he was happier then I´d ever seen him. I baptized him, I got it right the first time, and he was confirmed during church on sunday. It was crazy!! Well I found out that my companion´s name is Hammer Estrada. I thought that was funny. It´s really funny because everyone thinks it´s really hot here but I think it´s nice. Well I just recieved dearelders from the MTC this friday. I would say e-mail is the best way to communicate. So the ward here had their primary program this week. I tell you what, there´s a cody in every ward in the world. It was weird hearing it all in Spanish but it was great. Also, fast sunday was a week ago, the 8th, and the same types of people get up. Someone that cries, somone that talks a lot, etc. It´s amazing to see how much the church is the same around the world.
Ok so I found a funny scripture for my siblings. 2 Nefi 3. 25 - replace Joseph with Jennie, Brent, Ryan, Cody, or Emily and replace Nefi with David. It´s a fun one. I also found another one for food but I can´t rememberit right now. I got a hair cut today for 1,50. That was pretty sweet. Sorry this e-mail is so random. I have lots of thoughts going through my mind. SO this saturday we have 2 baptisms and 1 the following saturday. THis area is really amazing. I got to give a blessingin Spanish. That was crazy. E. Estrada pretty much told me what to say because I had no clue. It went good though because the one that recieved the blessing is an investigator and their whole family turned to prayers and scriptures for comfort. They´re a blessed family. Well that´s all I can think of for right now. I love this work! I´m tired every night and tired every morning so I must be doing good so far.
Élder David Hakes
He looks GREAT in white.
ReplyDeleteThe "Cody" comment is a classic. What a guy! (both of them)