Dear Family,
Wow. I can't believe that I'm already here. It feels like I just got into the MTC. Well I got assigned to the coast. I'm in a city called Santo Domingo. Everyone told me that it would be hot here but it's actually perfect for me. It is a lot more humid but it's really nice. The Area (it's called sector in Spanish) that I'm in is called Las Islas 2. There are 2 sets of missionaries in this one ward. I do a lot of walking. Besides going to the stake center, all I do is walk. We taught 16 lessons since I've been here for 4 days. We also had a baptism this sunday. I know that sounds weird but most of the ward went to the temple an saturday so we had it in the morning before church. It actually was kind of crazy because it was supposed to start at 8 am because church is at 9 am, but no one showed up. We ran to the bishop's house and got keys and started filling up the font. At about 8:20 the font was only half full so the bishop said we couldn't have it before, and that it would be at 12 and she would be confirmed the following sunday during sacrament. She was disappointed but then agreed.
We let the font keep filling up so we could do it after church. At about 8:35 Nancy Morejon (the one getting baptized) pretty much started begging the bishop to do now so she could be confirmed during sacrament meeting on the same day. The bishop said ok and she went to change. Then we realized that the Elder that was supposed to be doing the baptism wasn't there so me and my companion started looking for him. We found him leaving the church and we just caught him. He came back in and was about to change when he realized he didn't have an extra pair of garments. He went to teh bishop and said that the would have to do it later. The bishop said no you can just ring your garments out after the baptism. Then the 1st counselor said ok if you won't do it I will. The Elder then said ok ok I'll do it. The baptism went great. It was very short but the spirit was so strong. She was confirmed during sacrament meeting and is as happy as ever.
This week for some reason was fast and testimony meeting and I got up and bore my testimony. It was weird but it went good. The people here are so nice and talk really fast. At first I couldn't understand anything, but now I can mostly understand what's going on. My companion does most of the teaching but I always testify and teach a few principles. The area we're in has a ton of investigators. There is another baptism this week and I think 2 the following week. The food is just how Nancy described it. Lots of rice, a little meat, soup, and juice. It's really good, but the people here don't like spicy food. I love it here. Parts of the city look like rainforest. They have bananas all over the place. They are crazy drivers. There are tons of taxi's and buses all over the place. I get funny looks everywhere I go because I'm tall and white. I don't know how many times I've been called gringito. I'm tired everynight and the nights last about what feels like 5 minutes. The first 2-3 days (mon-wed) we were in Quito going around with the president. President Sloan is amazing!! I don't know how to describe it but he is and amazing mission president. He was truly called here by Heavenly Father. And finally, my companion. His name is Elder Estrada. He is from Colombia and he has been here for 6 months. He is an amazing teacher. He is also the district leader for our district. I have learned a lot from him already and I'm sure I will learn more. Well I love you, all is going great. My spanish is horrible but it's improving.
Elder Hakes
David - that is so awesome that you were already able to be at a baptism!