Dear Family,
This week was a little bit crazy!!! We went to Quito on Monday and we had a ton of meetings!! They all went really well though. We got to meet President Ghent too!!! He´s almost as tall as I am. I can´t believe it :) He´s a really nice guy and he´s trying to get caught up on everything that we do here in the mission. His motto is "If it aint broke don´t fix it" so he wants to see what we´re doing as a mission now before he starts changing anything. He and his wife are very good people. He´s different from President Sloan but he´ll carry this mission to new limits!!! It will be fun to watch :)
This week we had a really cool presentation that we planned in a park here in Riobamba. We had a projector and a big screen and we projected Mormon Messages that a member downloaded from!! It went really well. We got to know a lot of new people and we had fun doing it. We passed out free popcorn and we made a big Book of Mormon out of a TV box that we found. It was a really fun presentation and a lot of people came to see why there was a big screen in the park :)
people watching
the big screen
me contacting at the copies Book of Mormon in different languages display
me and Elder Arriaga contacting in the presentation
all the missionaries at the presentation
This week the Cuji family (6 people) got baptized in the Joya Branch!!!! It was a really cool experience. I got to baptized 2 of them too (José Luis and Rocío) :) We were really excited to help this family take this step in their lives. We went a few times to help this family and it was really amazing. Everyone in white
the Cuji family
On Saturday José Luis Rodríguez is going to get baptized in our sector. We´re excited for him to take this big step in his life. Carlos Quigla had to go to Puyo (3 hours from here) and he has to go again this week. We´re still working with him and his parents to get them progressing more. This week we had all of our new converts in church even though we didn´t visit them because of the meetings and presentation. It was so good to see them exercise their own faith and be there :) :)
Well I love you all so much. Thank you for everything!!!!!
Élder Hakes