Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Querido familia,
Well this week was the best so far. We had Elder Holland come on last tuesday and I got an investigator in the RC on Saturday. I was on my last call before I had to leave and it was the first person to answer that day. I started talking to him and it ended up that I taught him the whole first lesson and that I commited him to pray about it. I also set up an appointment for the next day. I called him again on Sunday and taught him the whole second lesson. He accepted everything I taught him. He is a golden investigator. He already has a testimony about the Atonement and is accepting all of the commitments I've been giving him. I am going to call him again tomorrow and try to get him to talk to the missionaries. I don't think it will be hard to tell him at all, but prayers couldn't hurt :) Well I love it here. It is amazing to feel the Spirit all of the time. I guess you haven't gotten my letters about my companion yet. His name is Elder Preston Vogl. He's lived in California, Washington, Idaho, Colorado and Utah over the last 8 years. He love hockey and he's really funny. My ankle is doing fine now. I can do whatever I want now :) Also, I will be speaking spanish from now on. I'm excited!!! I probably won't be speaking as much now ha ha. I love spanish and it is coming so easy now. I've been blessed with the gift of tounges. It's no where near being good but I am learning very quickly and it's easy for me to understand. Well I love you guys. I hope all is well.

Élder David Hakes

I'm out of chips and salsa!!!!

1 comment:

  1. You've just gotta love these letters! I'm so excited for him!! What a guy!
